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Back to school - didn't it just fly by..? (For some!)

Back to school - didn't it just fly by..? (For some!)

The countdown is on, they're going back. Oh, the tantrums, the tears, the sleeping in, it's been a rollercoaster right? Hold back the tears and let's get this shit in gear. Be prepared (mentally and financially), have everything ready (fizz on ice) and let's get this show on the road with as much ease and humour as possible.

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I Heart NYC.

I Heart NYC.

I've been to NYC a few times, stayed in different areas and styles of accommodation. Gone on my own, with friends and with man-thing. Summer and winter. Young and not as young. Skinted and also with a blatant disregard for sensible spending. If you've never been, fancy getting a different perspective or are just nosy, have a read.

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