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Time to get happy - What makes you tickle?

Time to get happy - What makes you tickle?

I'm not saying you're not happy, maybe I'm just sharing a couple of the things that make me tick or for some, this serves as a reminder to turn that frown upside down. Recent research has shown that our emotional state has a huge effect on how we look and how healthy our skin is. Cortisol is a bitch and affects anything from bloating to pimples. Laughter can give us an ab workout (this is not strictly true but doesn't do us any harm). Happy people attract happy people. Negativity rarely breeds success.

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Running - Are you on-board or just bored?

Running - Are you on-board or just bored?

To some, running is just something 'other people' do. Maybe it just doesn't float your boat. The idea of pounding the streets in full view of everyone or knowing that when you are done and exhausted, you may not be where you want to be (as in home!) To others it is a like a need, escape and exercise. It is also a very relatively cheap way of getting incredibly fit.

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Time for a few cheeky New Years Eve Cocktail suggestions:

Time for a few cheeky New Years Eve Cocktail suggestions:

Assuming you're going the route more frequently travelled for New Years Eve, where you all get together round someone's house for drinks, dinner, murder mystery, whatever floats your boat - you know the sort of thing. Avoiding overpriced, over crowded venues, followed by the obligatory surged Uber. Well that's me anyway!

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Hazel's Top Books to get stuck into in 2016.

Hazel's Top Books to get stuck into in 2016.

As the New Year dawns on us, we need a good reason to stay in and get stuck in to a good book to keep us out of the bars, shops, off the online shopping world and get the brain box working. We can't just watch Christmas movies all year round! Well, we can but that would be daft.

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Top 10 Christmas Movies - In my opinion. 2015

Top 10 Christmas Movies - In my opinion. 2015

Every Christmas Eve in the Butterfield household we have a movie and luscious food night with one of my best friends and her bloke. We then get a tad tipsy and stage a Santa break in for the kids. Dress up, take photos of catching him in the act nicking a shot of baileys, eating his treats left out by the kids, using the loo etc.. Then excitedly show the kids in the morning. It's a tradition, it works for us and we like it. A week before we democratically decide on the chosen movie, last year was The Holiday, this year we are still amidst our selection process.

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