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Frogs, boys, guilt and parsnips...

Frogs, boys, guilt and parsnips...

Well that was my month (in books), how was yours? My latest reads have got my questioning so much in my life. What is my biggest Frog? Can one person send you crazy? Are gender specific terms ok? How quickly can I finish a book and, how many books can I read before I stop procrastinating?

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Restaurants in the sky/Cocktails in the clouds

Restaurants in the sky/Cocktails in the clouds

I have a few things that I get very excited about, but undeniably, tall buildings are really big on my list. It's a rarity that I go to a city/country and not go up any of the buildings on the Tallest Buildings List. In fact they don't even have to be on the list, a good view and a cocktail oppo and that's me sold. There's just something about being up there and watching the world below from a unique birdseye view, taking in the vastness of city skylines, the squillions of windows, buildings mid-construction, all of it. I love it.

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