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Quinoa, quinoa, wherefore art thou quinoa...

Quinoa, quinoa, wherefore art thou quinoa...

Living in West London, Quinoa has been on my radar for some time now. It's everywhere. It's virtually impossible to walk through an M&S or Wholefood's without encountering it. Pinterest is all over it. It's healthy, it's versatile and now, as with anything so fundamental in a variety of healthy dishes... It has evolved.

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Fashion. I love it, but I love it my way.

Fashion. I love it, but I love it my way.

I have an interesting relationship with fashion. I love it but am not a slave to it. My mood can be determined by my outfit. What I wear can determine what confidence I have in a given circumstance. I also think that what someone wears can tell a lot about a person. Not in the way that it can determine how 'with it' they are or how loaded they must be. It's to do with how people carry them selves, their creativity, individuality and what is perceived as their priorities.

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Okay foodies, what have we got to look forward to as and when the weather dares to be more amenable..?

Okay foodies, what have we got to look forward to as and when the weather dares to be more amenable..?

I love food. I love cooking it, eating it, eating out, watching food shows, reading the Sunday glossies, farmers markets... What else is there? Ooh yeah, Wholefoods, this place just fills me with joy and empties my pockets. But most importantly, food festivals. Food. Lots of it, freebies, cooking demo's, lashings of yummy booze and then as a result of the aforementioned... lots of happy people with happy tummies. The perfect day out. Just try and keep me away.

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