International women's day - 2017
Another year, another great list of women to wax lyrical about. That enough is a magnificent
excuse to get excited about International Women's day, even though 1 day isn't enough. But if it's good enough for mothers and birthdays, so be it.
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I am a Tripathlete. (*That's Tri-Path-Lete). Get onboard.
No really. I'm a multi-functioning path user. I run, cycle and dog walk among paths frequented by all 3 genres and I empathise with all of you and yet I'm here to try and achieve a harmonious and functioning state of affairs.
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Fancy a quick trip to Dubai? Why the Devil not.
- Hazel Butterfield
- 17 February 2017
Tall towers, constant sunshine(ish), crystal clear waters, man-made island's to perfection, stupidly good food and £20 coffees. Bring it on.
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Another bunch of Book Reviews...
They do say variety is the spice of life. I don't know who 'they' are or whether they were pertaining to the method in which you consume a book, but still; Audible, The Library (no, not a trendy Wine bar), Kindle and a good old Hardback that still sits on my shelf. How novel. Pun intended.
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Yoga Schmoga.
My first ever session resulted in me not really being bothered about trying again for 10 years or so. Yes Yoga is just not for some, but there are so many disciplines, that one may suit you more than another. It took this knowledge for me to give it another whirl and now, I'm all over it.
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My OCD is turning me into a Stepford Wife.
The idea of being 'her indoors', sends shudders down my spine. But I am doing the cooking, cleaning, shopping and even freakin' PA duties for man-thing. Hello old fashioned era! A role that I appear to have chosen for myself, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
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