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Get booked 2018

Get booked 2018

Back in September of this year I started a new show at Women’s Radio Station called ‘Get Booked’, which features all things book related; news, reviews, interviews and everything and anything to do with a love of books. Keeping you ‘booked up’.

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‪The Best Hangover Cure is to be under the age of 25. Failing that, take heed... ‬

‪The Best Hangover Cure is to be under the age of 25. Failing that, take heed... ‬

Sometimes they say, stick to what you know. I know a delightful amount about hangovers (through extensive research). Some people struggle more than others and have tried and tested a variety of methods. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be open to alternatives or maybe even willing to add to your current strategy. They (don't ask me who, it was a drunken conversation) say 'sharing is caring'.

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I need to get back to me...

I need to get back to me...

It can be weeks, months or years, sometimes or someday you will realise that you have lost your way. It will hit you like a thunderbolt or trickle through bit by bit, so much so that you hardly realise it has been realised. Then you have to figure a way back through the fog.

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