Need a little bit of Christmas Pressie Inspo?
- Hazel Butterfield
- 11 December 2016
Do not fear, I've been arduously searching the web for ideas so you can spend more time working on tomorrow's hangover. Or whatever else you would prefer to be doing. You decide.
Quite frankly, I think a present for anyone can be found on, but if we're being specific and time-saving, here goes:
This is thoroughly disgusting and yet I'm drawn to it.. Bacon soap.
This Star Neckace, I think is cute for anyone between 10-100? Well at least of the female variety.
For the non-vegetable lover, kids and adults alike. We all like a gimmick at Christmas, right?!
This is a great gift whether it's for a child or not. The ideas inside are just excellent. Let's give those fingerprint enthusiasts some direction.
Now, we all love Unicorns and Gin, but, ladies and gentlemen I give to you an incredible creation - Unicorn tears.
The £10 secret Santa present..? A Portable Wine Sippy Cup.
Never know what to get the man that has everything (you for starters - ha ha ha!)? I think a Gin or Craft Beer subscription is always fun. The gift that keeps on giving all year. Which also means can also bleed dry how great you are all year. This also works for many other family members. Flowers from companies like Bloom & Wild will deliver a letterbox compatible box of different flowers every 2 weeks for the recipient to design how they choose and they're always really pretty. If you want something really unique, how about a bacon subscription from Cure & Simple?!
Shop smart
Please please please, be careful with discount sites. Wowcher, LivingSocial, Groupon etc. Yes, they send you emails with great ideas (OK, sometimes they're good ideas, a lot of it is crap), they show you how much you are saving... 85% off - wow!! No. Google the actual item first. Almost always, it will be cheaper on Amazon or anywhere else and no doubt be able to be deliver without excessive postage costs. Seriously, just go and test it now. Christmas is expensive enough, don't part with anymore cash than you need to.
Finally, these are lush. The branding, design and scent make them a unisex gift. I hate it that someone hasn't mastered a 'scratch & sniff' functionality, so you're just going to have to trust me, they smell exquisite. Personally, may favourite is the Tuscan Leather in matt grey. Connie Gray Candles.

Happy shopping and a have deliciously fabulous (& probably skint) New Year. X
Other Chrimbo stuff that I decided to bring to your attention.