Why I started ‘Get Booked’
- Hazel Butterfield
- 25 September 2019
There are many reasons that I have reading and writing as a top priority in my life. Writing for a start is cathartic and allows me to unjumble what is going on in my head and share with others something that hopefully may help them or even entertain them. Reading is a chance to escape, learn something new, increase empathy, be a distraction and/or keep you off tech!
I’ve always been a reading & writing fan. I was that kid in the local paper who was being reported on for reading way above my age (and excessively!).
I’m not the first person to be overwhelmed by life’s circumstances and I definitely wont be the last. However, it got to state where I could not stop overthinking about a particular life event that was causing me huge distress. It would keep me awake for hours at night and break my mood instantly. I couldn’t concentrate. I was getting angry at myself as well as others for the time it consumed. The more I thought about the situation the more prominence it took, which it did not deserve. I had to switch things up. I needed to retrain my brain.
It took a while, I could get 3 or 4 pages along and realise that not a word had sunk in. I had to retrain my focus, but I needed a reason other than somebody telling me to ‘snap out of it’.
So I started a show at Women’s Radio Station all about books, authors and writing in general. This not only forced me to keep to deadlines (being ready for the interview with the author) but the onus was on not letting somebody else down – as we rarely try and look out for no.1 first! The more I read, the better my understanding of the story being told - which resulted in a good interview. The praise I was getting both from listeners and the authors started to drown out the negativity of the aforementioned situation that I had found myself in.

This also then meant that I was building a network of authors and bloggers who wanted to come on the show and chat about their journey. Women’s Radio Station has a fantastic and clear focus on Mental Health & Well-being which contributed to the ethos of my interviews and furthermore the genre of books I reviewed. My experience gave me a greater understanding of the topics discussed but unfortunately it could also ignite feelings I was trying to stop being overwhelmed by. But ultimately it was worth it and like therapy in itself.
I’m a big fan of positive attribution, no matter what happens I like to find the positive angle in anything. If I hadn’t have gone through what I did, I’m not sure I wouldn’t have had the introspective ability I now have to produce the ‘Get Booked’ interviews that I do. To get to meet the incredible authors and writers out there, some of which I now class as good friends and/or have been a delight to have had on my journey.
‘Get Booked’ is my show on Women’s Radio Station where we talk about what I’ve read, what I’m reading, new releases, chat to authors, bloggers, publishers and book enthusiasts. All based around supporting women’s emotional wellbeing, opening discussions and offering support via the incredible writing community out there.
Come and join us, get involved and if you want to catch up on previous shows you can at https://womensradiostation.com/shows/get-booked/ or on our soundcloud.
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Mental Health Advocate Series - Get Booked
I am a part of everything I have ever read - Theodore Roosevelt