My Hot Picks... Websites, shopping, food and frivolities.
- Hazel Butterfield
- 10 February 2016
Sometimes you come across things in life that are just too good not to share and I want to make sure you are 'in' on these beauties. I've scoured the net, shopped, ate (and ate some more), roamed the streets and trialed whatever needed to make sure that you, my lovelies, are informed. Stick with me and I'll make sure I make your life that little bit easier, more fun and keep the economy moving!!
Hokey, well some of you may know that I have a puppy (and a cat but she treats me with contempt - she gets her joy from muddy paw window art and winding up the dog). Well, my little lovelies, in my search for the perfect 1st birthday party for Charley...
More adorable pics can be seen on twitter @charleyswoof
I came across - I am hooked. Any site that has the intelligence and creativity to stock a bottle of Dog Perignon, quite frankly has my vote! Add to that an edible card and dog friendly personalised cake, wow. These are the kind of things that float my boat. Not only that, they also have a portal for interesting and relevant pet related articles AND an excellent, chic and extensive list of holidays destinations (hotels & holiday lets) where your pooch is welcome. No more kennels and extortionate pet sitters!! Check it out, if you don't have a dog or cat, never have I seen a better excuse.
(For 20% off use friendsofcharley at the checkout.)
Then we have a cracking series, television will always be something that features with me, especially in this miserable weather. Stay in, stay warm and save up for my next blow out. I have just finished the 1st and 2nd series of The Affair with Ruth Wilson and Dominic West. Without ruining it for you with what happens, it's the way they tell the story from each other's perspectives, their recollection of event - this is what I find interesting. Same days and events from recollection based on a different positions, a different person's psyche. People aren't necessarily wrong about what they think happened, it just shows that events can have different meaning to some people and the resonance of how unpredictable life can be. They regularly had the same day played out by 2 halves of a relationship and their recollection of the same event involved different decor, different clothing, 6 hours difference between when they thought conversations took place and the tone used. I find memory fascinating anyway but this just highlighted how open to suggestion identical events are. Loved it. Hurry up with S3!
Please just go and watch this, he is a guy that keeps appearing in a variety of places and as a random guest on shows like Virtually Famous and TFI Friday, cleverly called 'the Invisible saxophone guy'.
That is impressive!!
10 peaks gloves. We have had a bad and weird winter, quite frankly I don't think it really kicked in until the 1st week of January. The daffodils have been messing with our mojo and nobody seems to know what is going on. It's freezing, it's sunny, there are floods, storms and no doubt it will be summer by April with still no freakin clue as to what may come next. The snow has only just kicked in properly in the Alps and now is the time that we can finally get excited about the best parts of being cold. Regardless of what the Sunday glossies tell you about spending £600 on a new ski jumper and the latest apres-ski boot that looks amazing but has the functionality of an empty martini glass. I have found your must have item. Look at these...

10 Peaks - Mount Little Gloves
Excellent quality, warm, stylish and used by a lot of the ski instructors, as of this season. A glove that you can actually have your hands free without having to take them off and undo your well constructed warmth. It's got all the bits and pieces of the other gloves on the market, all the functionality, but you can get your phone out quickly for that picture opportunity up the mountain, check the time, grab your Vin Chaud on the slope mountain restaurant or even have a sneaky fag while waiting for snowplough Jerry to rock up.
For 20% off use the following discount code while checking out: HAZEL20
Waitrose and free coffee EVERYDAY with a myWaitrose card. If you are not already on board with this... Why not? It is coffee (or tea) and it's free. You don't even need to make a purchase. Yes you get other stuff too, like choosing your discounted products and free magazines, that's just dandy, especially if you shop there anyway. But it's free. Oh and did I mention, the free bit.
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