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How can you tell the difference between someone who is proud of their achievements to those who boast to cover up a deeper issue?

  • Hazel Butterfield
  • 10 January 2024

Do you like to ‘Keep up with the Joneses’ or happy to just bake them a cake?

How can you tell the difference between someone who is proud of their achievements to those who boast to cover up a deeper issue?

Distinguishing between genuine pride in one's achievements and boasting as a defense mechanism can be nuanced, but certain cues may help you make this differentiation. Whether it’s checking your own behaviour or observing others.  Here are some factors to consider:


Intent and Motivation:

    • Genuine Pride: Someone who is genuinely proud of their achievements will likely share their successes with a positive intent, aiming to celebrate accomplishments or inspire others.
    • Boasting as a Defense Mechanism: Boasting to cover up deeper insecurities or issues may stem from a need for validation or a desire to mask feelings of inadequacy. The motivation behind boasting in this context is often driven by a need for external approval.


Consistency and Frequency:

    • Genuine Pride: Proud individuals may share their achievements occasionally, especially in relevant contexts or when directly asked about their accomplishments. It is not the sole focus of their conversations.
    • Boasting as a Defense Mechanism: Someone using boasting as a defense mechanism may consistently bring up their achievements in various conversations, perhaps excessively, as a way to continuously reinforce their self-worth.


Receptivity to Others' Achievements:

    • Genuine Pride: A person genuinely proud of their achievements is likely to be supportive and genuinely happy for others' successes. They can acknowledge and appreciate the accomplishments of those around them.
    • Boasting as a Defense Mechanism: Someone who boasts to cover up deeper issues may struggle to genuinely celebrate others' achievements. They might feel threatened or compelled to redirect attention back to their own accomplishments.


Emotional Resilience:

    • Genuine Pride: Individuals who are authentically proud of their achievements are generally emotionally resilient. They can handle constructive feedback or acknowledge areas for improvement without feeling threatened.
    • Boasting as a Defense Mechanism: Boasting to cover up insecurities may be accompanied by a heightened sensitivity to criticism. The person may react defensively or become upset when their achievements are questioned or not met with the expected praise.

Humility and Self-awareness:

    • Genuine Pride: People who are genuinely proud of their achievements often demonstrate humility and self-awareness. They can acknowledge the contributions of others and recognize that success is often a collaborative effort.
    • Boasting as a Defense Mechanism: Boasting may be accompanied by a lack of humility or an inability to recognize the efforts of others. The person might downplay the role of external factors or dismiss the significance of teamwork.


Observing these aspects can provide insights into whether someone is expressing genuine pride or using boasting as a defense mechanism. However, it's important to approach these assessments with empathy and an understanding that individuals may exhibit a combination of behaviours based on various factors and circumstances.