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10 quotes to keep you going in the right direction

  • Hazel Butterfield
  • 23 April 2020

Well, because you know. Sometimes we just need a little reminder.

10 quotes to keep you going in the right direction


You can change your course.

You can change your course.





One thing you can be in control of is your choices.

One thing you can be in control of is your choices.


Choose kindness, especially to yourself.

Choose kindness, especially to yourself.


You don’t need to be for everyone

You don’t need to be for everyone


Life lessons are important. How dull would life be if we got it right every time?!

Life lessons are important. How dull would life be if we got it right every time?!


Do or Do Not, there is no Try.

Do or Do Not, there is no Try.


What did your younger self need?

What did your younger self need?





Be you. X

Be you. X