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I don't think I'm down with the kids no more.

  • Hazel Butterfield
  • 22 March 2018

Yes, there have been hints for the last few years if I'm honest. But I've been clinging on to any semblance of 'cool' (yes I used that word) that quite frankly may have been more down to luck than anything else.

I don't think I'm down with the kids no more.

With many coming of age realisations, they normally occur after a sequence of events in close proximity. It is not always when you have kids, or buy a house, nor when you get a family pet or resort to spending money on good quality loungewear. It's the little things that get you.

While interacting on social media t'other day (it's just how I roll), after receiving a message, I had to google 'tyvm'. Not a freakin' clue. Now for those of you on my level, that is 'thank you very much' (obvs). Then, while out and about interviewing at a festival, I got chatting with the crew, one of which, a delicious man-boy who was keen to chat about life. Did you know the best ice-breaker these days is "What's your favourite Insta filter?" Now, luckily for me I'd just uploaded a pic and managed to scrape from the bottom of my rotten age befuddled brain 'Clarendon' and I do actually quite like it, but it was the only one I could remember.

But it doesn't stop there. When a friend from the 'older generation' asked for my help on snapchat, quite frankly, I didn't have a clue. I googled it and helped all I could.

I've used the words "how bloody much" way too often over the last few weeks when discussing 'kids' prom outfits and the price of the latest fad - yes I said fad.

Also, don't fucking 'lol' at me, unless you're my 11 year old son, but even he knows it's a lame turn of phrase. As I've told some of my friends, every time they uses that word in my direction I will assume they are going through a midlife crisis and will treat them with the required disdain or sympathy.

The fact of the matter is, is that I can often pull it off. But I'm mainly faking it and that is my realisation.

This is not the end of it. I will still adopt the words I choose to from the Urban dictionary, because I'm just a little cray cray like that. I will try out new fashion crazes, as fashion is timeless and adaptable, but if you see me fashioning my school-run outfits from the Newlook window displays then please look at me with the same disdain as I would if you had lol'd at me.

Let me be clear, not being down with the kids is NOT the same as being sensible or a grown up. That I have not achieved nor do I wish to. The picture heading this blog was put up because it said poo on it, I thought it was funny and vaguely related to the topic of 'Urban Dictionary'.  I guess I just need to make myself comfortable in limbo.


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