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Some weeks really do serve as a reminder that we're constantly learning. Poo, numptys and exciting advent calendars. All Life's treasures.

  • Hazel Butterfield
  • 01 December 2015

Sometimes weeks can pass by and there can be levels of mundanity or maybe life is enjoyable but not 'enlightening'. That's ok. But sometimes you have a few days where stuff just happens, in succession and they really get you thinking. What I've learnt this week:

Some weeks really do serve as a reminder that we're constantly learning. Poo, numptys and exciting advent calendars.  All Life's treasures.

That's sometimes it's nice to be proven wrong even if it does make you look like a spud. Preconceived ideas are not always reliable.

It's ok to get mad, it's better than bottling things up. Apologise when you're wrong, explain if you don't think you are. I respect those that tell me to fuck off when its needed. When its not needed, quite frankly you can... I think you can guess.

I get more excited about Christmas the older I get. I hope I'm not Benjamin Button.

Sometimes good things come to those who don't play dirty, step back, stand up for what you feel is right and watch justice unfold. Leopards not changing their spots and all that.

Never obsess too much about what someone thinks of you. Chances are they rarely give you a second thought as they're too busy living their own lives. If not, how very sad for them and move on.

Good friends get you, they're honest and yet busting with comradery and know when to crack open a bottle.

Don't weigh yourself when you're constipated.


That's me and my week. Bring on next week where I guess I'm going to learn what happens when you have a puppy AND a Christmas tree with jingle jangly bits on it.