Let's make a plan for the New Year - 2016 here we come!!
- Hazel Butterfield
- 28 December 2015
As a new year arrives, many of us vow to do things differently. Whether that's for the better or not! A New Year symbolises a time for a new you, new practices, health kicks, better behaviour (maybe not!).
Here are a few bits on my check-list to get done, to start the year afresh and to hopefully maintain a better me/you/us:
- A wardrobe sort and eBay ditching. Clear out the old and make a mini dent in the credit card bill. I find a good clear out so cathartic.
- I wash all my make-up brushes so I don't get spots and it gives me a feeling of 'fresh and new'. Try it and and see how much crap comes off.
- Write a letter. It doesn't have to be as arduous and archaic as it sounds. Thank family members and friends who sent gifts or say hi to those that you couldn't get together with. If you have kids, get them to sign it or make a picture with their undoubtable plethora of Christmas craft kits! A nice touch. Crack open a bottle, write a list of all who you should write too, work through them, maybe use pretty cards. More than likely they will then be displayed or put on the fridge. Let's call it retro.
- Get involved with beers from Dry Drinker. Many do a sober January, I can't as it's my birthday and my sons birthday (kids parties require a drink, at least afterwards). But there are sensible and tasty alternatives. Booze is full of calories we all know that, so if you're attempting a more svelte you for 2016, these beers and very low in alcohol (they do alcohol free and low in alcohol) and calories and yet still are still delish. What more do you want? There is nothing worse that a crappy alternative to the real thing, this is not that.

- Have you made a 2016 plan? Is there anything you need to achieve? If so, what do you need to put in place to get this rolling. Plans don't have to be big, they just need to be actioned.
- You should read my blog more, to make this easy sign up to my mailing list.
- I'm going to be less lazy and more savvy. It's about forming habits, integrate practices in to your life, every little helps. For further details don't forget my list on Having A Frugal New Year.
Being productive, I find, has such a positive impact on me. It breeds more productivity. Hopefully for you too!
New Years resolutions are such a tradition but they are also synonymous with being discarded so quickly when they are unrealistic. This doesn't mean you shouldn't think big, just have a good think about what you want and how you can achieve it. We all have different dreams, aspirations and requirements in life. Regardless, I hope you all have a great New Year.